Monday, June 2, 2014

FAFF (Fit as F*** Fridays): Fierce Full Body Ache

This week I am coining the term FAFF: Fit as F*** Fridays, as I always feel the need to do an intense workout before the weekend comes just in case social obligations and what-not get in the way of working on that "bod."

For this week I am presenting you with my Fierce Full Body Ache workout. It's a bit of a doozy, but trust me, it feels great once you're done!

I have a lot of moves that I've "made up" names for so after the workout you will find tutorial photos and videos on how to execute those tricky moves.

Some basics just in case exercise is new to you:

  • Stretch stretch stretch! Before and after your workout to warm up your muscles for some intense movement. It'll increase your range of motion and prevent those troublesome injuries. Or, if you have a foam roller, even better! 
  • Eat a light snack about 30 minutes prior to exercising for a boost of energy. Bananas are great or I like to pop a Protein "Cookie Dough" Ball before my workouts. (See recipe at the bottom)
  • Hydrate! Before. During. After. Water is your best friend as it flushes toxins and keeps your muscles and organs all functioning properly. Coconut water is fab too cause it gives you potassium and electrolytes!
  • Push yourself! That whole slogan of "train insane or stay the same" has a lot of truth to it! Keep your body guessing and mix up your exercises through repetition, intensity, and speed.
  • Always stay safe. Know when you are at your max and be okay with modifying when necessary.

Now pump some jams and let's sweat some glitter!

Fierce Full Body Ache Workout (~1 hour):
What you'll need:
Running shoes and a pair of dumbbells (I use 15-20 pounds). Don't fret if you don't have any weights available, I'll include body-weight options! And of course if you need to add repetitions feel free you little beast.  <3

Let's go! 

20 minute run. Get outside and run! Figure out a route with a view to keep you motivated. (Map My Run is a great free iPhone app to track your speed and distance and 8Tracks is a great app for running playlists!)

"Andy Abs!" Always do abs right after cardio. Get some tunes you love and get crunching! (I use Pumpin Blood by NONONO and Wild Heart by The Vamps)
     Breakdown: (feel free to add more repetitions!)
  • 16 Flat Crunches (double time)
  • 8 Flat Crunches (half time)
  • 16 Genie Abs
  • 32 Bicycles
  • 8 Hip-Head-Head-Hip Crunches
  • 16 Cross-Touch Crunches
  • 8 Wide-X Cross Crunches
  • 32 Bicycles
  • 11 Toe Touches
  • 8 Clam Crunches
  • Plank
  • 30 Hip-to-Floor Touches
  • As many Contract-Extend Bicycles as you can do (I aim for 30) (Don't let your legs or head touch the ground!)
You can follow this video or do it on your own!

3 sets of Glitter Modality: (I call it a glitter modality cause you're going to be shimmering by the end ;])
  • 15 Climber Abs 

  • 25 Bridge Pulses [10 normal, 5 single leg (each leg)]
  • 25 Full-Squats (holding dumbbell) (get your booty below your knees!)
    • Body-weight option: 40 Frog Squats (keep your torso low)

  • 20 (or as many as you can do) Elevated Sumo Push-Ups 

  • 20 One-Legged Calf Raise, each leg. (Hold a wall for balance and focus on keeping your ankles over your toes!)
  • 15-20 Dumbbell Raise with Chest Twist

    • Body-weight option: 15 Burpees
  • 30 Seconds Hamstring Squeeze, each leg
  • 10 Shoulder Presses with Dumbbells
    • Body-weight option: 20 Downward-dog Push-Ups
  • 40 Second Plank


WHOO HOO!!! YOU DID IT!  <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Don't forget to stretch and refuel with a high-quality protein shake!  (My favorite brands are Spirutein and Nutrasumma)

It took me 53 minutes to complete this bugger.

Post your times in the comments below! Repeat each week and see as your time gets better and better. :)

Protein "Cookie Dough" Ball Recipe:
  • 1/3 cup organic smooth almond butter (any nut butter works but almond is my favorite)
  • 1/4 cup honey (preferably raw and organic)
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I haven't tried other flavors but I'm sure most would work)
  • 3 tablespoons ground flaxseed
  • 3 tablespoons dark chocolate chips 
    • Optional: 3 tablespoons instant coffee for a special kick
  1. Mix all ingredients together in a big bowl. The dough will get pretty thick so don't be afraid to get your hands in there. If the mixture is too dry add more almond butter or you can add a splash of your favorite non-dairy milk.
  2. By the tablespoon, roll into balls and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

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