Monday, June 23, 2014

Lavender and Rose Revitalizing Body Lotion: An Andrew Kenshin DIY

Lotion. It's awesome. And for me, it's an absolutely CRUCIAL component to my beauty routine. The dang Irish in me leaves me with super dry skin if I don't lather on moisturizer EVERY SINGLE DAY.

And as I have become more and more aware of all the icky and harmful/completely unnecessary petrochemicals, preservatives, fragrances, and carcinogens that are so prevalent in the majority of mainstream skincare, it has become a no-brainer to me to simply make my own! This way I get to control the quality of ingredients and I can customize my products to suit ME.

Here's some skincare ingredients you want to AVOID like the plague:
  • Parabens (Used as preservatives. Make your hormones go all out of whack.)
  • Artificial Fragrances (The one word "fragrance" could be made up of hundreds of different chemicals. Yikes!)
  • Sulfates (This is what makes products "foam" and are very harsh on the skin.)
  • GMOs (Genetically modified organisms. These are NOT safe and most are carcinogens. The only way to avoid these is to look for the GMO-Free certification on the label or to buy Organic.)
  • Anything you can't pronounce or that is a series of numbers and letters. (These are most likely created in a lab and WHO KNOWS how safe they are.)
Remember we absorb more than 50% of what we put on our skin right into our bloodstream!

Ok, now for the fun part! Let's make some lovely nourishing lotion!

Lavender and Rose Revitalizing Lotion:

What you'll need (organic if possible):
  • 1/2 cup Grapeseed oil (Or olive, hemp, almond, whatever you fancy.)
  • 1/4 cup Coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup Beeswax (Make sure it is cosmetic grade! I grated mine but you could just chop into small pieces if you prefer.)
  • 1 teaspoon Vitamin E oil
  • 2 tablespoons Shea Butter
  • Essential Oils (For this version I used 15 drops Lavender and 15 drops Wild Rose. But you can use whatever combination you'd like!)  
  • Cute jar (I used the same 22 oz jar I used for the Lavender Purrrr Scrub. This recipe will fill this jar halfway so if you want to fill the whole thing then double this recipe.) 
  1. Combine all your ingredients minus the essential oils into a Pyrex glass measuring cup.
  2. Fill a pot with a few inches of water and place your Pyrex into the pot.
  3. Boil the water and stir your ingredients together as they begin to melt. (The beeswax takes the longest to melt as it has the highest melting point.)
  4. When everything is melted together, remove your Pyrex from the water. Careful it'll be hot!
  5. Add your essential oils to the melted oils and stir.
  6. Pour your concoction into your clean and dry jar and allow to cool/solidify.

Enjoy your new luxurious and uber-nourishing lotion! Massage into your skin after exfoliating with your Lavender Purrrr Scrub for the ultimate skin-indulging experience! This recipe is VERY emollient so allow yourself some time to let the oils absorb before putting on clothes.

I've found this works wonders on sunburns! After one application my sunburn is already almost gone! AND it has helped diminish my pesky stretch marks! Seriously nothing else has worked as well! MAGIC!

What combinations of essential oils is YOUR favorite?

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Brown Sugar Coconut and Honey Face/Lip Scrub: An Andrew Kenshin DIY

I have a slight obsession with coconut oil; you can cook with it, it's a versatile cosmetic, and don't even get me started on oil pulling. 

Coconut oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties which makes it perfect for skin that tends to break-out. And no one enjoys a good case of acne, or any other placement of body acne for that matter. (Have you ever had one inside your nose? INSIDE YOUR FREAKING NOSE. It's absurd.) 

Today's DIY combines brown sugar, which is the softest abrasive of sugars and salt (good for those of us with more sensitive faces), coconut oil, and raw Manuka honey which has anti-bacterial properties too!

The brown sugar will gently exfoliate all those icky dead skin cells off your pretty little face while the coconut oil will moisturize and sweep away excess oil. The honey will finish it all off by making your face uber soft and leaving you with a soft glow. PLUS it doubles as a lip scrub. What's not to love?! Your face is going to freaking love it.

Here's what you'll need:
  • 1/2 cup packed brown sugar
  • 3 tablespoons of melted coconut oil (you can also use olive, avocado, peach kernel, or hemp oil) Mix it up and see which works best for your skin!
  • 2 tablespoons of raw Manuka honey
  • Clean cute jar (the one I used is up-cycled from a mini raw carrot cake I bought at Whole Foods!)
  1. Place your brown sugar into a mixing bowl.
  2. Add the melted coconut oil and stir.
  3. Add the raw honey and stir until combined.
  4. Adjust your sugar to oil ratio (adding more oil if it is too dry and more sugar if it is too oily).
  5. Transfer the mixture to your jar and enjoy!

Depending on your climate the coconut oil may solidify which is a-ok as long as you mixed up the mixture really well! Just scoop your fingers in the jar and smoosh (technical term) it around in your hand before applying to your face.

Exfoliate using this scrub no more than twice a week and reveal a glowing complexion! I found I didn't even have to apply moisturizer after using this scrub! You will feel a bit slick right after you rinse and pat dry your face but give it a few minutes as the precious oil will absorb and leave you glowing!

Enjoy, my little nuggets! <3

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Lavender Purrrrrrrrr Scrub: An Andrew Kenshin DIY

Welcome back readers! Sorry for the short hiatus, life gets cray-cray sometimes. But that's no excuse to ignore you all so I'm back with a FAB DIY project that is simply, heavenly.

Today's DIY incorporates the magical healing powers of grapeseed oil (said to help with stretch marks, broken blood vessels, and is high in antioxidants) with one of my all time fav fragrances: lavender.

I have a slight obsession with lavender. Love it in cosmetics, food, chocolate (ohhhhh yeah), and of course in its original beautiful state as a flower. Lavender is known for it's calming and healing properties, and I don't know about you but I could use as much calm in my life as possible!

This scrub leaves you sinfully smooth, fragrant, and glowing! So smooth you'll be purring whenever you touch your skin. And it'll be accompanied with a wonderful feeling of bliss on the side *I maaaaaaay be exaggerating slightly, but heck, this stuff is magic to me and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!*

Lavender Purrrrrrrrr Scrub:

    What you'll need:
  • 2 cups sea salt
  • 1 1/4 cup grapeseed oil
  • 4 tablespoons dried lavender
  • 10-15 drops of lavender essential oil
  • Cute storage jar. (Mine is 22 oz and I found it on Amazon) 
 I bought all my ingredients (minus the jar) at Whole Foods (that place is like a playground).

*Do try and buy all your ingredients organic. Your skin is your largest organ and we absorb more than 50% of what we put on it! You don't want to be feeding your skin pesticides and unknown chemicals.*

  1. Add the salt and dried lavender to a large mixing bowl.
  2. Mix in the lavender essential oil.
  3. Add the oil and stir until fully incorporated. (Add more oil if your mixture is too dry, or add more salt if it is too oily)
  4. Adjust the amount of dried lavender and essential oil to your liking.
  5. Transfer your new wonderful scrub to your jar and enjoy!

 Make sure you moisturize after you scrub yourself to bliss! Stay tuned for my homemade lavender and rose revitalizing body lotion!

Monday, June 2, 2014

FAFF (Fit as F*** Fridays): Fierce Full Body Ache

This week I am coining the term FAFF: Fit as F*** Fridays, as I always feel the need to do an intense workout before the weekend comes just in case social obligations and what-not get in the way of working on that "bod."

For this week I am presenting you with my Fierce Full Body Ache workout. It's a bit of a doozy, but trust me, it feels great once you're done!

I have a lot of moves that I've "made up" names for so after the workout you will find tutorial photos and videos on how to execute those tricky moves.

Some basics just in case exercise is new to you:

  • Stretch stretch stretch! Before and after your workout to warm up your muscles for some intense movement. It'll increase your range of motion and prevent those troublesome injuries. Or, if you have a foam roller, even better! 
  • Eat a light snack about 30 minutes prior to exercising for a boost of energy. Bananas are great or I like to pop a Protein "Cookie Dough" Ball before my workouts. (See recipe at the bottom)
  • Hydrate! Before. During. After. Water is your best friend as it flushes toxins and keeps your muscles and organs all functioning properly. Coconut water is fab too cause it gives you potassium and electrolytes!
  • Push yourself! That whole slogan of "train insane or stay the same" has a lot of truth to it! Keep your body guessing and mix up your exercises through repetition, intensity, and speed.
  • Always stay safe. Know when you are at your max and be okay with modifying when necessary.

Now pump some jams and let's sweat some glitter!

Fierce Full Body Ache Workout (~1 hour):
What you'll need:
Running shoes and a pair of dumbbells (I use 15-20 pounds). Don't fret if you don't have any weights available, I'll include body-weight options! And of course if you need to add repetitions feel free you little beast.  <3

Let's go! 

20 minute run. Get outside and run! Figure out a route with a view to keep you motivated. (Map My Run is a great free iPhone app to track your speed and distance and 8Tracks is a great app for running playlists!)

"Andy Abs!" Always do abs right after cardio. Get some tunes you love and get crunching! (I use Pumpin Blood by NONONO and Wild Heart by The Vamps)
     Breakdown: (feel free to add more repetitions!)
  • 16 Flat Crunches (double time)
  • 8 Flat Crunches (half time)
  • 16 Genie Abs
  • 32 Bicycles
  • 8 Hip-Head-Head-Hip Crunches
  • 16 Cross-Touch Crunches
  • 8 Wide-X Cross Crunches
  • 32 Bicycles
  • 11 Toe Touches
  • 8 Clam Crunches
  • Plank
  • 30 Hip-to-Floor Touches
  • As many Contract-Extend Bicycles as you can do (I aim for 30) (Don't let your legs or head touch the ground!)
You can follow this video or do it on your own!

3 sets of Glitter Modality: (I call it a glitter modality cause you're going to be shimmering by the end ;])
  • 15 Climber Abs 

  • 25 Bridge Pulses [10 normal, 5 single leg (each leg)]
  • 25 Full-Squats (holding dumbbell) (get your booty below your knees!)
    • Body-weight option: 40 Frog Squats (keep your torso low)

  • 20 (or as many as you can do) Elevated Sumo Push-Ups 

  • 20 One-Legged Calf Raise, each leg. (Hold a wall for balance and focus on keeping your ankles over your toes!)
  • 15-20 Dumbbell Raise with Chest Twist

    • Body-weight option: 15 Burpees
  • 30 Seconds Hamstring Squeeze, each leg
  • 10 Shoulder Presses with Dumbbells
    • Body-weight option: 20 Downward-dog Push-Ups
  • 40 Second Plank


WHOO HOO!!! YOU DID IT!  <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

Don't forget to stretch and refuel with a high-quality protein shake!  (My favorite brands are Spirutein and Nutrasumma)

It took me 53 minutes to complete this bugger.

Post your times in the comments below! Repeat each week and see as your time gets better and better. :)

Protein "Cookie Dough" Ball Recipe:
  • 1/3 cup organic smooth almond butter (any nut butter works but almond is my favorite)
  • 1/4 cup honey (preferably raw and organic)
  • 1 scoop chocolate protein powder (I haven't tried other flavors but I'm sure most would work)
  • 3 tablespoons ground flaxseed
  • 3 tablespoons dark chocolate chips 
    • Optional: 3 tablespoons instant coffee for a special kick
  1. Mix all ingredients together in a big bowl. The dough will get pretty thick so don't be afraid to get your hands in there. If the mixture is too dry add more almond butter or you can add a splash of your favorite non-dairy milk.
  2. By the tablespoon, roll into balls and store in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Current Dance Obsession: Valtari

Welcome back friends!

This post doesn't require much talking from me; I'm more interested in what interpretations you all experience!

The piece, in my opinion, is simply exquisite.

The notions of initial connections (visual, physical, emotional), trust, "oneness", equality, and romance all swirl together in a visually stunning work. It is a piece that has me watching it over and over to dive deeper into the story as it pulls my soul in tighter and tighter. The superb dancing alone is reason to watch; the combination of music, cinematography, and movement make it a film to love.

Enjoy, Valtari.


Written & Directed by Christian Larson. Choreography by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui. Music by Sigur Ros.

Danced by the lovely Nicola Leahey and James O'Hara.

Let's get a discussion going and leave your interpretations in the comments below!