Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Current Beauty Obsession: John Masters Organics Rose Foaming Face Wash

Hey everyone! 

I'm working on some fitness posts for you, just got to get some pictures and photos of me doing some of the exercises without looking like a complete spazz ;)

So here we are and today's topic is about my latest beauty product obsession, but first, here's my philosophy on beauty: 

Obviously there is huge pressure from media and the beauty industry to look a certain way (and there's a lot of money at stake for these corporations), but everyone has a unique style and sensibility about them. Especially in today's culture, being unique is something that is harder and harder to come by. I also feel that beauty is an ever-changing and fluid concept; a principle that is distinctive to its beholder. I can find beauty in almost anything, so my definition is quite broad. However when we talk specifically about skin, my take is that it should be clear, even, and dewy. It projects a notion of health and youthfulness that is simply captivating.

As I was contemplating this philosophy on the Tube, I got inspired to write about this: 

I discovered this little miracle while wandering through Whole Foods one day, and as I am on a quest to eradicate all unnecessary chemicals from my beauty routine, I thought let's try it! (I also have a new found obsession with anything Rose and Lavender, they're totes amaze)

See, the problem I have with my skin is that if I don't exfoliate enough everyday, my skin gets all sorts of build up which leads to white heads, which leads to picking (I'm a habitual picker, I know, BAD), which leads to a face that resembles lasagna. NOT CUTE.

And then if I exfoliate too much, well my skin decides to turn itself into an oil refinery. Again, NOT CUTE.

This cleanser doesn't foam too much but just enough to get you that "cleaning" feeling. And the linden flower (a calming antioxidant) and plantain extracts tone and soothe your skin leaving it calm and happy!

Since using this cleanser (about 2 months) I haven't had to perform any extractions around my nose which is INCREDIBLE! My pores are smaller and my skin tone has evened out. AND it smells awesome! It gets a 10/10 from me!

My next project is going to be making a home-made version of this bad boy so that I can make it myself for a bit cheaper (this cleanser gets a little pricey at $30 for a 4 oz bottle, but totes worth it!) and then share the recipe with you!

What's your take on beauty and do you have any products you absolutely can't live without? The more natural the better! :)

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