Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Years Resolution Juice Recipe


It's my favorite way to get a quick jolt of nutrients to my system. It also makes me feel 100x better about my day no matter how terrible the weather was or how rude people on the Tube were.

Plus one of my New Years Resolutions (like everyone else in the world) is to make healthier choices and to maximize my health.

Buuuuuuuuuuut (also like everyone else in the world) I may have indulged a bit too heavily over the holidays. January 1st may have been the worst hangover I've ever had. Whoopsie!

I'm going to rationalize my Ke$ha-esque behavior with the fact that I'm young and this is the time to live it up am I right?!

Of course one cannot sustain a healthy lifestyle living like Ke$ha every night, regardless of how much I love her.

So here's a recipe for my New Years Resolution Juice! It is a delicious and super nutritious health elixir that I will be making myself at least 3x a week to keep this body running smooth and happy.

1-2 apples
3-5 celery stalks (tons of phytonutrients)
1-2 carrots
1 fresh beet (liver cleanser)
1 whole cucumber (lots of water and anti-inflammatory)
knob of fresh ginger (cuts the green taste)

Particularly with juicing be sure to buy all your produce ORGANIC. Especially when you are juicing things with their skins intact you don't want any nasty pesticides getting into your pristine juice.

If organic produce is not available to you, make sure you wash everything thoroughly in a mixture of 1 part vinegar to 10 parts water.

Now power up the juicer and press press press!


Be sure to drink right away before your juice has a chance to start oxidizing. If you make a big batch to store for later use be sure to use airtight containers and pop in the fridge right away.

This recipe is chock-full of vitamins B-6, C, over 200% DV of A, Calcium, Magnesium, and a butt-load of antioxidants and phytonutrients all working hard to keep your body functioning at prime levels!

So no matter how hard you partied this holiday season, give yourself the gift of a clean start to a new year. <3 xoxo

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