Friday, July 18, 2014

Oil-Pulling And Why I LOVE It!

So by now I'm sure you've heard of the new trendy detox technique: oil-pulling.

What is it exactly?

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic practice that involves swishing a tablespoon of oil for 20 minutes, on an empty stomach, in order to improve oral and overall health.

Basically, the act of swishing the oil is thought to draw out toxins and remove harmful bacteria that collects in your mouth.

Benefits include:
  • Whiter teeth
  • Fresher breath
  • Strengthens teeth and gums
  • Cures headaches
  • General detoxifcation
  • Overall improved oral health
  • It is also said to be helpful for people with depression and insomnia
I am obsessed. I mean come on, what's not to love right?!

Okay okay, most people who try it say that the hardest parts are getting used to the texture of the oil and swishing for the FULL 20 minutes. But from my personal experience, it's TOTES worth it. And here's why I think so:

  1. My teeth were noticeably whiter within a few days!!! I've tried all the toothpastes and whitening trays and I have to say this was just as effective if not MORE so. PLUS it's totally natural without any yucky chemicals.
  2. My gums have been slowly receding for a couple of years now, but since I have started oil-pulling they have actually grown back a considerable amount! And I hadn't changed anything else in my daily routine so it MUST have been the magic of oil-pulling.
  3. It clears any grogginess I have in the morning. If I ever wake up feeling less than bright-eyed, I make sure to oil-pull because as soon as I'm done I feel focused and ready to go!
  4. Less breakouts. Now I can't know for sure if I can give oil-pulling full credit for this one, but I have noticed fewer breakouts around my chin. Which typically is a sign of hormonal imbalance. So perhaps the reduction of toxins has helped balance my insides! Regardless, it equals less zits which equals a happy Andy!
  5. It's like a built-in lip balm! I always manage to get oil on my lips as I do my 20 minutes which acts like a lovely natural lip balm! Which means less lip balm throughout the day! Bonus!
So there's my personal testimony. I've been oil-pulling for about 4 months now and all I can say is that I am addicted. I have not experienced any negative reactions or side-effects and I must say that when I miss a day I can really feel the difference! You should definitely give it a try! 

Here's a how-to guide for all you newbies. ;)

  1. Choose your oil. I use an organic and raw coconut oil. It's cost-efficient, the taste is pleasant, plus it has anti-bacterial properties! An added bonus to the detox you're about to embark on. You could alternatively use just about any oil you'd like such as olive, hemp, or pumpkin. Just make sure it's organic! 
  2. In the morning* when you wake up, rinse your mouth out and drink a glass of water. Now take 1 tablespoon of oil and begin to gently swish it around, making sure the oil gets to all parts of the mouth. Set your timer.
  3. After 20 minutes is up, spit the oil out into the trash. (Don't spit into the sink as the oil could harden and clog up your drains! No bueno.) 
  4. Rinse your mouth out with water and go about your morning!
*If you choose to do your oil-pulling at a different time of day just make sure that you have not had food within the last 2 hours!

There you have it! Easy-peasy! 

Now if you're like me, you probably don't have 20 extra minutes every morning. I fit this into my schedule by plucking my eyebrows, shaving, picking out an outfit, checking e-mail, or by making my breakfast while I swish. That way I am still being productive while I reap the benefits of this wonderful practice.

What oils do you use for your oil-pulling practice? And what benefits have you experienced? I would love to hear all your success stories in the comments below! :)

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