Tuesday, January 13, 2015

DIY Febreze/Air Freshener WITHOUT the Icky Chemicals or Alcohol!

So let's be honest.

People can be stinky. 

It just happens. Life is messy and sometimes sweaty people sit on your couches or make your house smell like a locker room. I'm a dancer and I am 100% guilty of this. Sometimes you just forget to put on deodorant! O_O

But personal hygiene aside, I had been looking for a natural fabric refresher and an air freshener for John-John and I's bathroom for a while now, but everything in the store was either: 1. Aerosol (contains propellants and just plain bad for the environment), 2. Had a s**t ton of chemicals, or 3. Had an ungodly fake fragrance. 

So of course crafty-Andy decided to simply make his own! 

I was thinking back on my recipe for my DIY Lavender Deodorant (which btw still is the BEST deodorant I have EVER used) and thought to myself there was no reason this same base couldn't work to freshen up not just my armpits, but my entire home!

Except the thing is, this recipe is even EASIER AND SIMPLER! CRAY!

Here's what you'll need:
  • Spray Bottle
  • Enough water to fill your spray bottle
  • Baking Soda
  • Essential Oil of choice (Peppermint, Lemon, Grapefruit, or Orange are all great, I used OnGuard by dōTERRA)
          Cost: less than $2!!!

  1. Put your water in a small pot and heat until just before it boils.
  2. Take off the heat and stir in baking soda 1 teaspoon at a time until dissolved (I used about 4 teaspoons for my 4 oz. bottle). Be sure not to add too much baking soda as it will clog your nozzle if it is not fully dissolved.
  3. Allow your mixture to cool for a few minutes and stir in your essential oils. The amount you use is totally up to your personal preference how strong of a fragrance you want. I put in about 10-12 drops of essential oil.
  4. Allow to fully cool before transferring to your spray bottle.
  5. DONE!
Easy as pie and done in less time than it takes to do your eyebrows. 

I use this stuff all over my house, on the couch, blankets, directly in the sink and toilet, and in the air! You could even use this as deodorant in a pinch! The baking soda neutralizes any foul odors and essential oil leaves an uplifting and clean scent! The OnGuard oil was a gift from my mom before I left for London (thanks Mom!) and it is awesome! It is supposed to boost immune function when inhaled, applied to skin with a carrier oil, or taken orally. So every time I spritz this stuff I make sure to take a good inhale and breathe deeply. It relaxes me and I can breathe happily knowing there is absolutely nothing bad for me in it!

Happy spritzing! <3 xoxo